But it wouldn’t work if you have more than one space in between words. Now, this works well if you have only one space character between words. For example, there is one space in two words and two spaces in three words. =LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,” “,“” ))+1 – We add 1 to the overall result as the total number of spaces is one less than the total number of words.In the above example, it would be 26-20 which is 6. LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,” “,“” )) – This would subtract the text length without spaces from the text length with spaces.LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,” “,“” ) – This part of the formula counts the total number of characters in the text that has no spaces.So the result, in this case, would be Letthecatoutofthebag. SUBSTITUTE(A1,” “,””) – This part of the formula removes all the spaces from the text.It includes the text characters as well as the space characters. LEN(A1) – This part of the formula returns 26, which is the total number of characters in the text in cell A1.To count the number of words, here is the formula I would use: =LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))+1 Let’s say I have the following text in cell A1: Let the cat out of the bag Example 1 – When there is a single space between words
#How to get word count in word 2007 how to
So let’s see how to count the total number of words in each case. There are multiple spaces between words.There is a single space between each word.So to get the word count, we can count these spaces instead of words and add 1 to the total (as the number of space would be one less the number of words). While Excel cannot count the number of words, it can count the number of spaces in a sentence.
Suppose I have a sentence as shown below for which I want to get the word count.